Why Care?

Why Care?

Putting love and effort into the little things is a thankless practice. Often unseen, but always felt. Why spend time dialing in every aspect of the joint, both big and small, if it’ll go unrecognized? Answering this question is of the utmost importance for those go getters with energy that can’t and won’t last forever. There must be a reason to care.

The topic of conversation at your tables won’t concern the water glass that they’re drinking out of, regardless of the multiple month bootcamp you put dozens of other glasses through to narrow it down to the one in their hands. Aspects of the glass that matter a lot to you – Does it fit in your space? Is it durable? Does it fit the brand? – don’t matter to them, until it does.

Recognized or not, the time and effort you put into any aspect of your space is felt. That’s why we care.

You spend time picking out silverware and plates that balance nicely on one another. The balance of the fork and knife on the plate is never experienced by the guest but the busser not interrupting their conversation by dropping a knife on the ground is felt

You spend time picking out a host stand that fits your space and creates a welcoming entrance. The guest won’t get down on their knees praising you for your choice, but that warm and seamless entrance is felt.

Felt not only by the guest, but also your staff. Effort is contagious. Care and hard work from those in charge inspires care and hard work from those not. In similar fashion to the guest, even if your staff isn’t saying thank you for every way you’ve made their life easier, they sure as hell feel when you have. Care is the fuel for a well oiled machine, especially in an industry lucky enough to be about and by people. 
This isn’t a revolutionary idea but it’s important to know why you put effort into things, the big and especially the little. The culmination of this effort is felt whether explicitly stated or not. So keep going. Keep caring. Your guests and staff will thank you…even if they don’t.


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